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Culture of Aging priority group

Goal: To positively impact the attitudes, values and behaviors in Larimer County with regard to aging

The Culture of Aging priority Group has supported two self-directed team (SDVT) projects intended to increase awareness and understanding about the experience of growing older in Larimer County.






The first, in late October 2014 was a political candidates' forum held at the senior center. Candidates for County Commissioner and state legislative offices were invited to respond to questions specific to issues impacting local seniors. 

 All candidates accepted the invitation and, following the Q&A portion of the program, joined attendees for a light dinner and follow-up discussion. 


The second project involved recruiting a SDVT to pull together a team of local senior authors to contribute monthly articles to a new Coloradoan series entitled "Aging Gracefully".  The first of these articles was published in December and will continue at least until the end of 2015. We have a created a page with links to each of the articles published to date here.   

          Writers Group

Future projects:  This group used a formal brainstorming session to come up with several project ideas, including:

  • A film festival presenting films that focus on the experience of aging
  • A book club/discussion series
  • Recruiting a team of young people to create short videos highlighting the experience of local seniors or seniors-to-be
  • Creating a volunteer team of “aging activists” to keep government abreast of the concerns of  the local senior population
Specific actions on these proposed projects will be planned after the upcoming Summit on Aging with additional input and support from attendees interested in contributing their expertise to this priority area.
Chairpersons:  ,
Members: Anita Busby, Michelle Christensen, Myles Crane, Julie Demaree, Lynette McGowan, Phoebe Hawley, Marigail Jury, Barbara Schoenberger, Bonnie Shetler, Diane Stobnicke, Bill Swalling 

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