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Location: Fort Collins Senior Center, 1200 Raintree Drive

 Date/Time:  Thursday, May 7, 2015, 8:30AM to 4:30PM

Purpose:   The Summit will bring together subject-area experts on aging and age-friendly communities to pave the way for understanding how our rapidly growing aging population will affect employees, employers, developers, businesses, health care, and our over all quality of life. The event is designed to help our communities prepare for a future where Larimer County is recognized as an innovative leader in defining livable communities for healthy aging in the 21st century.

Attendees:  Business to Business and Regional Community - 300 business people, community leaders, elected officials, service providers, other professionals, and citizens who understand the value in being part of creating a community that will continue to be a great place for our older residents.

Program:   Attendees will learn about age-friendly communities and the economics and demographics of aging; celebrate local initiatives that are making a difference; and be inspired by best practices in other communities. Participants will leave the event with new ideas to explore and new tools to implement at their own businesses and organizations. 

Organizers:  The Summit on Aging is being planned by the Partnership for Age-Friendly Communities, which represents a variety of organizations and initiatives intended to improve livability for seniors in Larimer County.  The initiative is led by the Foundation on Aging for Larimer County and the Larimer County Office on Aging, in collaboration with 12 other community organizations.

To Become a sponsor:

Contact FOA  Executive Director Bente James via [email protected]

2015 Sponsorship Opportunities 


Presenting Sponsor – $5,000


Recognized as sponsor from the podium

Screen logos

Event Program Logo

Event Website Logo

Poster Logo

Print Ads Logo

Package includes 2 tables w/table sign/logo and up to 14 tickets

Information tables, outside the ballroom, are included in the sponsorship package at no extra charge for Innovation ($2,500) and Presenting ($5,000) level sponsors.


Innovation Sponsor - $2,500


Screen logos

Event Program Logo

Event Website Logo

Poster Logo

Package includes 1 table w/table sign/logo and up to 7 tickets

Information tables, outside the ballroom, are included in the sponsorship package at no extra charge for Innovation ($2,500) and Presenting ($5,000) level sponsors.


Signature Sponsor - $1,000


Event Program Logo

Event Website Logo

Package includes up to 4 tickets (does not include table sign/logo)


Select Sponsor - $500


Event Program Logo

Event Website Logo

Package includes up to 2 tickets


Event Sponsor - $250


Event Website Logo

Package includes 1 ticket

Download Sponsorship packet

Please note that if you purchase a sponsorship for the Summit you are entitled to a 10% discount on any sponsorship of the FOA Birthday Party that follows the Summit.

If you prefer, you may use Paypal to pay for your Summit sponsorship:


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