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2010 Summit on Aging

2010 Summit on Aging

In 2009 the Foundation on Aging (FOA) and the Larimer County Office on Aging (LCOA) began planning the first countywide Summit on Aging to be held in February 2010. The Summit was open to all interested county residents, but a concerted effort was made to attract business owners, city and county planners, developers and other stakeholders impacted by the chang- ing demographics.

       Summit Goals:

  • To create awareness and educate Larimer County community stakeholders about the needs of older adults and the resources required to meet those needs.

  • To engage Larimer County community stakeholders in developing new and creative solu- tions to unmet needs of seniors.

    Summit Outcome:

    Based on existing survey data by the LCOA, four areas were identified as focus issues for the Summit activities: Health Care, Transportation, Housing, and Support Services. The following vision statements emerged from the 2010 Summit breakout sessions and discussions.

    In a Larimer County that has achieved aging readiness and is livable and healthy for our seniors:

  • Healthcare: “All seniors are aware and understand the resources available to them; re- ceive adequate financial resources to meet their needs; through a coordinated environment are receiving the health care they need.”

  • Support Services: “Larimer County is a model of innovation that demonstrates high quality and respectful elder friendly communities.”

  • Transportation: “Seniors will know how and can easily access a safe, affordable, enjoy- able and reliable transportation system service that keeps them connected to our community.”

  • Housing: “All seniors have options for housing that are accessible, integrated with the greater community, allow for intentional interdependence, and provide a meaningful quality of life.”

    These visions have continued to drive countywide efforts toward livable communities.   To view or download presentations from this event, please visit the 2010 Larimer County Summit on Aging webpage.

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