9:00am-2:00pm FEBRUARY 20, 2014
The Lodge at Mackenzie Place
Partnership for Age-Friendly Communities is a group of representatives from a cross-section of interested organizations that came together in May 2013 initially for the purpose of producing a community education event around the current status and future well-being of seniors in Larimer County. The following July we were awarded a technical assistance grant from the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (N4A) and as a result revised our agenda to first bring together cross-sector community stakeholders to explore current assets that support quality of life for seniors in our community and to identify how we can use those assets to further advance livability for all our residents as they age.
Stephanie Firestone from N4A and Martin Carcasson, head of the CSU Center for Public Deliberation, were on hand to facilitate the process.
Background Materials.
Following is a list of links to articles, local survey results and other information that explains and supports the movement toward more age-friendly community.
- Characteristics of an age-friendly community.
- Membership and mission of the Partnership committee.
- Year one summary report from the Fort Collins public focus groups regarding our growing population of elders:
- Report on the initial Ft Collins public meeting:
- Report on the Loveland public focus group:
Senior Services webpage for the town of Estes Park:
- Article highlighting livability issues:
Document Actions